- Buddhism was founded by Gautama Buddha.
- Buddha was born on the Vaisakh Purnima day in 563 B.C.
- He belonged to the Sakya clan of Kshatriyas.
- His father was Suddhodana, the ruler of Kapilvastu.
- He was born in Lumbini in Kapilvastu.
- His mother was Mahamaya of the Kosala dynasty.
- Buddha got Nirvana at the age of 35 years.
- Buddha got Nirvana at Uruvela on the bank of river Niranjana
- Buddha gave his first Sermon at Sarnath.
- Buddha's first sermon is called as "Dhama Chakraparivartana
- Buddha died in 483 B.C. at Kushinagar. Kushinagar has been identified with village Kasia in Deoria dis- trict of U.P.
- Buddha's last words were "All com- posite things, strive diligently".
- Buddha was brought up by his stepmothef Gautami.
- After seeing an old man, a sick man, a corpse and an ascetic Buddha decided to become a wanderer. Asvajit,Upali, Mogallana, Sariputra and Ananda weré five disciples of Buddha.
- Birth: Lotus and Bull
- Great Renunciation: Horse
- Nirvana: Bodhi tree
- First Sermon: Dharmachakra or wheel
- Parinirvana or Death: Stupa
- The world is full of sorrows.
- Desire is root cause of sorrow.
- If desire is conquered, all sorrows can be removed.
- Desire can be removed by following the eight-fold path.
Code of Conduct:(1)Right understandingg(2) Right speech3) Right livelihood(4)Right mindfulness(5) Right thought(6)Right action(7)Right effort and(8)Right concentration
(1) Do not covet the property of otherss
(2) Do not commit violence
(3) Do not speak a lie
(4) Do not indulge in corrupt practices
- The First Council was held in 483 BC at Saptaparni cave near Rajagriha to compile the Dhamma Pitaka and Vinaya Pitaka. Chairman Mahakassapa, Patron: Ajatshatru
- The Second Council was held at Vaisali in 383 BC. The monks of Vaisali wanted some change in the rites. Schism into Shaviravadins and Mahasanghikas. Chairman : Sabakami, Patron Kalashoka
- The Third Council was held at Pataliputra duríng the reign of Ashoka 236 years after the death of Buddha. It was held under the Presidentship of Moggliputta Tissa to revise the scriptures.
- The Fourth Council was held during the reign of Kanishka in Kashmir under the Presidentship of Vasumitra, who was helped by Aswvaghosha and resulted in the division of Buddhists into Mahayanists and Hinayanists.
(a) Its followers belleved in the
original teachings of Buddha
b) They sought Individual sal
vation through self-discipline
and meditation.
(c) They did not believe in idol
(d) Hinayana, like Jainism. Is a
religlon without God, Kama
taking the place of God
(a) Its followers believed in the
heavenliness of Buddha and
sought the salvation of all
through the grace and help
of Buddha and Bodhisatvas
b) Believes in idolworship.
c)Believes that Nirvana is not a
negattve cessation of misery
but a positve state of bliss.
C) Mahayana had two chicf philo
sophical schools: the
Madhyamika and the
The Sutta Pitaka is divided into
five Nikayas.
The five Nikayas are Digh
Nikaya, Majjhima Nikaya.
Samyutta Nikaya, Anguttara
Nikaya and Khuddaka Nikaya.
The Khuddaka Nikaya consists of
large number of miscellanceous worker.
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